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Dogecoin Mining on Raspberry Pi LOLMODE

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!!!UPDATE: Download cpuminer and build from tar git HEAD is broken and will not let you run configure.

If you have 800 Mhash/s GPU (Graphics card) i’m sure you often think about making your raspberry pi a dogecoin miner. Because why not :D ? It is not effective i warn you :) you will get around 0.34 khash/s that is about 2000 times less than your GPU :) and about 500 times less than CPU on your box. But its easy and fun.

doge meme

I mainly did it for fun to see how it will react, work and what is the possible heat problem.

Again Why ?

Because DOGE, doge coin is THE NEW BLACK. Its future! An Irony on all crypto currency :) and its value is based on meme, laugh and happiness. This is much better than bitcoin :> at least for me

Connect to your raspberry pi

You will need:

  λ automake
  λ gcc
  λ git-core
  λ libcurl

if you are using like me 2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian raspbian you will have everything ready :) one thing to install is automake and you can do this by typing apt-get update followed by apt-get install automake this is all you need.

lets get on the box! (default login/passowrd for this image is pi:raspberry)

10:54 kuba@pc12:~ λ ssh pi@
pi@raspberrypi ~ $

(This ip address is just an example :D you will need to have a way to find it in your network.)

Now all you need to do is to clone CPU miner for it.

git clone

This will download your mining software on the raspeberry pi, next we need to compile it and run!

pi@raspberrypi ~/Workspace $ cd cpuminer-2.3.2/
pi@raspberrypi ~/Workspace/cpuminer-2.3.2 $
... script will take some time ...
./configure CFLAGS="-O3"

This will compile and build the minerd binary that is ready to start mining :). Well you need to do one thing, join a doge pool. I’m not gone go into details of solo mining vs pool minnig :) i’m just a simple miner :D

If you need more info on mining pools you should check this topic

I personally at the time of writing this post i’m using small pool called chunky pool :).

Starting to mine!

Now we have software lets actually mine something :). You will need to create a shell script that will start minerd on your raspberry pi. My looks like this
./minerd --a scrypt --threads 1 -o stratum+tcp:// -O dogedogedoge.pi:password

make it executable and run! Yay you are a dogecoin farmer now! CPU mining is not the most optimal but hey..its all just for lolz :)

Heat problems ?

For me 2 hours of mining on raspberry pi did not generate any extra heat or stuff like this, seems to be stable. I was worried it will got nuts on this topic but i was proven wrong.


This sucks in terms of speed, you will get close to none speed because below 2 khash/s its not even worth it, you will not be on any stats on any pool even listed, periodically you will actually hit the jackpot and get a success pimping you to 2khash/s for about 60 sec but that is just a lie, you scored a win and this will give you some parts of doge. Last i checked you were able to get around 0.67 doge per hour of your raspberry time. That is really really bad as pretty basic GPU pimps you to 600+

Cheers :) Hope it helps! Much fun, so currency.
