Building a new gem ( ruby library ) with bundler is easy task. I found a lot of tutorial on this topic in the web but none of them was covering more then just generating scaffold and packing up the gem. I will try to uncover a bit more. So at the end of this post you will be able to generate new gem, build it and it will have ready support for rspec.
First of all you need bundler. To install bundler just type gem install bundler. Probably most of you guys have it already :) but just in case.
Generating new gem
To generate gem scaffold all you have to do is call bundle gem <gem name> like here
< name >.gemspec file with whole gemspec for our gem.
First thing we need to do is set gems we will be using while building our lib. Initial Gemfile looks like this
λ cat Gemfile
source''# Specify your gem's dependencies in doctor_toons.gemspecgemspec
All production needed gems needs to be added before gemspec. So if we will want to add rspec as development dependency we need to put it after gemspec term in Gemfile. Eg. if we want to use mongo 1.6.2 as production dependency and rspec 2.9.0 as our development dependency we should do it like this.
cat Gemfile
source''gem 'mongo', '~> 1.6.2'gem 'bson', '~> 1.6.2'# Specify your gem's dependencies in doctor_toons.gemspecgemspec
gem 'rspec', '~> 2.9.0'
Now we can simply bundle all dependencies for our gem by hitting. bundle install you should see something like this
λ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Using bson (1.6.2)Using diff-lcs (1.1.3)Using doctor_toons (0.0.1) from source at /private/tmp/doctor_toons
Using mongo (1.6.2)Using rspec-core (2.9.0)Using rspec-expectations (2.9.1)Using rspec-mocks (2.9.0)Using rspec (2.9.0)Using bundler (1.1.0)Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Building gem!
Ok now we are ready for next step, building gem! To do it we call gem build < name >.gemspec so lets do it
λ gem build doctor_toons.gemspec
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::InvalidSpecificationException)"FIXME" or "TODO" is not a description
Error. This means that we need to supply few things before we will build this gem. First of all we need to emacs < name >.gemspec to edit the file with gemspec and set few things. By default this file should look like this
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-requireFile.expand_path('../lib/doctor_toons/version',__FILE__)Gem::Specification.newdo|gem|gem.authors=["JakubOboza"][""]gem.description=%q{TODO: Write a gem description}gem.summary=%q{TODO: Write a gem summary}gem.homepage=""gem.executables=`git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{|f|File.basename(f)}gem.files=`git ls-files`.split("\n")gem.test_files=`git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n")"doctor_toons"gem.require_paths=["lib"]gem.version=DoctorToons::VERSIONend
So lets edit description and summary and build again our gem. gem build doctor_toons.gemspec
λ gem build doctor_toons.gemspec
WARNING: no homepage specified
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: doctor_toons
Version: 0.0.1
File: doctor_toons-0.0.1.gem
Yeah now we can build our gem :)
Lets have a look at gemspec gem spec doctor_toons-0.0.1.gem before we will be adding rspec to it :)
Before we will be wiriting any library code its nice to add support for testing framework. I like name of rspec and rspec as a lib. It lets you define in form of tests specification for your library.
Adding rspec to our project is easy. All we need to do it create directory called spec and file inside of it called spec_helper.rb like this
λ mkdir spec
λ touch spec/spec_helper.rb
Now we need to edit spec_helper.rb and add few things.
require 'rubygems'require 'bundler/setup'# our gemrequire 'doctor_toons'RSpec.configure do |config|
This is bare minimum spec_helper.rb file we can have. All we do is require on rubygems, bundler setup and our gem doctor_toons :). To make it easy to use we should expand our rake with a spec task! like this
This will add rspec task called rake spec that will run all our specs :)
Now last thing we need to add first initial spec to our spec folder so we will be able to test it.
Now if you will run rake spec you should see something like this
Users/kuba/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby -S rspec ./spec/doctor_toons_spec.rb
1) DoctorToons should rock
Failure/Error: lambda doexpected no Exception, got #<NoMethodError: undefined method `rock' for DoctorToons:Module># ./spec/doctor_toons_spec.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'Finished in 0.00218 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/doctor_toons_spec.rb:5 # DoctorToons should rockrake aborted!
/Users/kuba/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby -S rspec ./spec/doctor_toons_spec.rb failed
Tasks: TOP=> spec
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Wooow works :) now you can implement your library to rock the world!
Few useful things
If you want to have colorful output like me :). You can add .rspec file in top dir of project with content like this
--format documentation
First line adds color output and second line is format out spec output, it is nice because its the most verbose output. You can easy see where spec failed. When you are on early stage of the project and you have few describes like 50-100 it often helps to develop faster.
This is just intro post about my upcoming series on building tools that you need :).
Fingers crossed :)